Google Glass Pick Up

Earlier this week I received an invite to join Google's Explorers Program. The program allows devs, bloggers, geeks, and Google fanboys to get involved early with Google Glass. Those early adopter are then apart of a team that shapes the future of Glass.


After making an appointment, I dropped by Google's HQ in Venice Beach to pick up my Glass.


I was brought into a Glass setup room where I was partnered with a Glass Specialist for an intimate walkthrough of the device.


Unboxing Google Glass was mindblowing. I was astonished by the amount of tech that was packed into such a small device. After syncing up with my Glass, I quickly realized that this bit of hardware is next up. It may look ridiculous, but the experience reminded me of the first time I got my hands on the first iPhone, it made sense and worked. Wearable tech is on it's way to our lives, get ready.


Once I was done being setup, I was given an awesome tour of Google's campus. Check out their famous Google Doodles hall!
