Seis de mayo

I didn't really go out on Cinco De Mayo, mostly because people dedicate said holiday to drinking... and I don't drink. The day after was a whole 'nother story! Seis De Mayo was fun times, got to hang out with buddies I don't usually see and got to grab some grub...

Seis De Mayo started at Rony's (Rony's Photobooth) place out in Eagle Rock.


I love parties at Rony's place, it's always like a huge photo shoot for a lookbook in his backyard. Yeah, that's what it's like.


After Rony's, I headed over to Mike, Dan, and Jason's housewarming party in Mt. Washington. It was a lot more mellow than the previous party I was at, but the vibes were just right.


It was a fun get-together and their new place is super nice. We ended the night pinata bashing (Is it weird to call it that?) and eating the candy that was spilling out of the pinata's guts.