Haiti: day three 5/17/2011

Sorry for the delay, I've been trying to get back in motion with my life in LA. It's not easy being gone from home and work for a week.It's been weird being back in LA, I look at everything a bit differently now. I feel like none of us have it that hard - Of course we have issues when it comes to friends, work, money, relationships, school or whatever we have issues with these days, but nothing compares to their problems. To be honest, the people of Haiti wished they had our problems (sorry for being such a downer)… With that being said, here's the last post about my trip to Haiti...


We spent our last day mostly sightseeing.

It's crazy to see how much damage could come from a natural disaster.

For souvenirs, we dropped by the once destroyed Iron Market.

Once we finished grabbing souvenirs, we were off to an orphanage. On our way there we popped a tire. Luckily, there were Haitians who were able to repair the tube (for only $2.50!).

The orphanage was the hardest part of the trip for me. Seeing a kid who doesn't have parents is way more heartbreaking than any destroyed structure.

My trip to Haiti with Zodiac USA/Brown Shoes and Souls4Soles is one I would never forget. It was an amazing first time out of the country experience. It was great because it wasn't a vacation, it was meant to be a learning experience , and that's what exactly I got out of it.

Super thanks to Melissa, S4s, Todd, and everyone on the trip who made it great for me!